Goddess of Attack - Download App Preview

Goddess of Attack

The spin-off to the God of Attack is here as the Descent of the Goddess! Enjoy the flashy normal attack action in roguelike fashion! ■ Back as Goddess of Attack! The popular Google Play developer DAERISOFT's new spin-off to the God of Attack! Following the legacy of the God of Attack the Goddess of Attack has emerged. The monsters sealed by the God of Attack awaken from their slumber, and humanity falls into chaos... The admin will be rewarding you heavily!! Trust them! https://www.youtube.com/c/DAERISOFT Check your coupon code on the YouTube channel. Please click Subscribe and Like button. Enjoy elements from roguelike, cards, to growth. For the fans who enjoy roguelike games and strategic card battles, we present a game you will love. We combined battle cards to the tap-battle style. Have fun with making quick choices that lead to different plays. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Latest Update / Version:
2020-12-02 /
Game Uploaded By:
Android 5.0 and up

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